Official Course Syllabus 2015 - 2030

The function of our organization’s Global Youth Education Summit is to create and open to a transpersonal scale of operation. It is a cosmic vessel to both receive and transmit higher influences and to be sensitive to the moods and needs of the country in which it exists. GYES helps individuals to become significantly more human, to take responsibility and to be aware of how this can influence others. This model of networking affects humankind as a whole.

Course Number GYES 111
Course Title: Global Youth Education Summit    
Day and Time: 3 week programs (please see the schedule dates)8:00AM – 5:00PM (time may differ according to the evening activities) 

Course Number GYE 121
Course Title: Global Youth EducationDay and Time: 3 month programs (please see the schedules dates)8:00AM – 5:00PM (time may differ according to the evening activities) 

Classrooms/Building: Contact Number: IAM-CED Office (650) 771-1470
Address: P.O.BOX 692 Pacifica, CA 94044 USA Email Address: info@iam-ced.org / mconway@iam-ced.org 

It’s time to take another look at ourselves-to re-enliven our sense of what it is to be human, to breathe new life into ancient intuitions of who we are, and to learn again to celebrate, as we once did, our instinctive affinity with the Earth community in which we’re rooted. We’re called now to rediscover what it means to be human beings in a wildly diverse world of feathered, furred and scaled fellow creatures; flowers and forests; mountains, rivers, and oceans; wind, rain, and snow; sun and moon.  (By Bill Plotkin)  Tenalach  (Irish)  Used to describe a relationship one has with the air, land and water, a deep connection that allows one to literally hear the Earth sing. 

Course Classification: *Certificate upon the completion of GYE Summit.  Available support services:CD, DVD & COMPUTER access at the CenterRequired Text and Correspondent Textbook/Lab Manual:*Instructors Handout/books. Course Description: *

*Chosed(Water) :Geography: CA Academy of Science Oceanography; Monterey Bay Aquarium (Marine Science Center) 

*Gevura(Fire) :Astronomy: Chabot Space & Science CenterVolcanology: 

*Tiferet (Law):Physical Science/; Exploratorium in SFNatural Science/Natural energy;Eco-buildings (Eco-Green Science.);Parmer Culture/ Organic forming:Hydro phonic farming:Natural herbs & medicine/ Healing Art/detoxify / cleansing 

*Netzach (Victory):Philosophy, Psychology/ Minds, Zen Meditation 

*Chod (Acknowledgement):Language/ Communication/ IT-Computer science:Yuba College: Computer Science IT  Language Arts: Ancient Writing/ Hebrew/ Other languages in the world/ESL 

*Yesod (Exactness):Dance-Movement/ ActionMusic & Instruments: Davis Symphony Hall in SF 

*Malchut (Humility):Anthropology: California Academy of Sciences Visual Arts: Asian Art Museum in SF                  

Course Objectives (Goals):  

Methods of Instructions: It is global in scale and works within the sphere of spirituality, much like its atmosphere and the biosphere that provides an envelope of life around planet.

Networking; is a crucial part of the process and GYES is there to support and guide the connections between spiritually aware people who are part of the substance and consciousness of being alive, contributing to humankind’s highest good and translating that to the rest of the human species. 

*Lectures; written and oral drills, dictation, simulation of real-life situations, small group (2 or 3 students) activities, cultural readings, videos, computer skills. Organized field trips constitute the main activities of the class.   

Academic Integrity

The soul level is the place where the inner core (GYES) communicates with the world of the spirit.  Here is where the upper contacts the lower in the physical world, and where they harmoniously work together.   

The work you submit/present must be your own  Course Evaluation:  

Participation 50%,  Assignments 30%,  Final report 20% 

Disability:  In coordination with the DSPS, reasonable accommodation will be provided for eligible participants with disabilities. 

Schedule:3 week programs to 3 month programs

GYES will start on the 3rd of each month.The complete daily schedules will be announced when the date is set to start.   

Off January, 2015 - 2030
Off March, 3/9 - 27
April, 4/3- 24
May, 5/3- 24
June, 6/3 - 24
Off July, 2015 - 2030
Off August, 2015 - 2030
September, 9/3 - 24
October, 10/3 - 24
November, 11/3 - 24
Off December, 2015 - 2030

Three month programs GYES will start 7days after the GYES 3 week programs ended. 

The schedule will be announced during the GYES.

Who wish to participate GYE must apply 6 months before GYES programs start. Especially the youth from Fukushima may need Nuclear radiation detox programs.

The GYE 121 schedules: The curriculums will be introduced later date by the instructors, whom assigned to their teaching subject.
